Index  Fronimo N° 114,  April 2001



Interview with David Leisner
by Francesco Biraghi 

Studies and researches:

The Guitar in the Grand Traité d¹instrumentation by Hector Berlioz
by Marco Riboni

Beethoven. Story of a love never born
by Fabio Renato D'Ettorre

Reginald Smith Brindle's Works for guitar
by Antonio Borrelli (five part) 

Segovia, fifty years ago
by Marco Riboni

The Reform: an updating
by Vincenzo Saldarelli 

eif Christensen. Memory of a pioneer
by Lena Kokkaliari

In memoriam

Sergio Notaro
by Pier Luigi Corona

The solution

Exchange of Ideas and Opinions 

Reviews, scores, books, recordings

Master classes and Competitions

Guitar Shop