Index  Fronimo N° 197 Jenuary  2022



Interview with Frédéric Zigante
by Francesco Biraghi

Studies and research

Caspar Joseph Mertz. The first guitar concerts. Pressburg.
by Graziano Salvoni

Ferdinando Carulli: a biographical update. Historical data and hypotheses 250 years after his
birth by Romolo Calandruccio (seventh part)

Evangelina’s Notebook

by Evangrelina Mascardi

In Memoriam

Aldo Minella by Giuseppe Chiaramonte

Remembering Aldo Minella
by V. Casagrande, P. Coppi, R. da Barp, Sharon Isbin, A. Mari, A.F. Mormina, G. Mu- neratto, G. Odero

Thomas F. Heck
by Marco Riboni

Reviews Scores Recordings

Master classes and competitions

Books, Music, Records: New releases

Guitar Shop