When and how did Il Fronimo originate?

When, in October 1972, Ruggero Chiesa put his name under the first editorial of Il Fronimo, the situation regarding the guitar in Italy and abroad was radically different from what it is now.
In the 1970s the situation of the guitar in Italy and abroad finally started to improve and after its marginal existence in the musical world for a very long time the instrument was now attaining its own identity. In 1972 Ruggero Chiesa and the publisher Edizioni Suvini Zerboni realised that the time was ripe to start a journal dedicated to the guitar and the lute. This was Il Fronimo.


What does Il Fronimo  mean?

The title of the journal is a reference to the famous treatise in dialogue by Vincenzo Galilei published in 1568 and 1584. Fronimo was an imaginary lutenist, a repository of musical knowledge (in ancient Greek fronimo means sage). In his conversations with Eumazio (the Italian form of , meaning "he who learns well") Fronimo provided answers to the questions this character asked him about all different kinds of musical topics. Our journal did not have the pretension to be such an illuminate source of information but was simply intended to launch a constructive dialogue on such a vast and at the same time specific field as that related to the guitar and the lute. It is therefore no coincidence that Il Fronimo, after the collaboration with Suvini Zerboni came to an end, is now being published by [the recently established publishing house] Il Dialogo.


The objectives

Il Fronimo was founded to provide its readers with the historical and analytical means to study and discuss guitar music and topics related to the instrument with critical insight. This clearly cultural perspective, however, was not the only objective envisaged by Ruggero Chiesa when he started the journal in 1972. Then and now, the developments in the guitar world call for something that can be a meeting point of different ideas, a means to express opinions and to record the results of historical research, and a guide for all those interested in the guitar who wish to broaden their minds and to relinquish the old commonplaces.